Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Year of Celebration: Cub Scouts

The Centennial Year of Scouting has begun.

Cub Scouts have the chance to earn the ribbons to hang from this 100th Anniversary Commemorative patch.

All the requirements are here--and any active Cub Scout should have no problems with earning all the ribbons.

Share this with your Den Leader or Cubmaster at your next meeting.

The 100th Anniversary of Scouting will only happen once--don't let it pass you by!

[Leaders: form to track progress on these awards!]

Friday, September 18, 2009

57th Venturer/Explorer Weekend 16-18 OCT 2009

Rock climbing, pumpkin carving and time for a little marksmanship on the side...

Yep, it is time for the 57th Venturer/Explorer Weekend at Camp Rock Enon.

Deadline for registration:  12 OCT (after that the late fee kicks in)

There is also Venturing Adult Leader Training, 10AM to 2PM Saturday.

Explorer Adult Leader Training is on Friday night from 7PM to 10PM.

The Shenandoah Area Council's JOTA is the same weekend.

Make the time for a great weekend!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

52nd Jamboree on the Air at Camp Rock Enon 17-18 OCT 2009

52nd Jamboree On The Air
17 - 18 October 2009

The JOTA is an annual event in which about 500,000 Scouts and Guides all over the world make contacts with each other by means of amateur radio. It is a real Jamboree during which Scouting experiences are exchanged and ideas are shared, thus contributing to the world brotherhood of Scouting. 

This will be held during the 57th Venturer/Explorer Weekend at Camp Rock Enon.

Make plans to join us at the Handicraft Shelter at Camp Rock Enon Saturday and/or Sunday. Operating hours will be:

Saturday – October 17th – 0800 – 2100
Sunday – October 18th – 0800 – 1700
Come and join the fun of amateur radio and make contacts with scouts from around the US and World.
This event is open to all Scouts (Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorers, Venture’s, etc.) and Scouters/leaders.
Questions about JOTA?  Contact Dave Adsit.

Father and Sons attend Philmont

Return trip to Philmont for dad, a first for sons

By Stephanie M. Mangino
The Winchester Star

Winchester — Tons of dehydrated food, a burro named Mr. Sparkles, and a treacherous climb marked Parker and Preston Kemp’s summer adventure at the Philmont Scout Ranch.
There, the brothers — 16 and 15, respectively, and James Wood High School students — earned their Arrowhead badges (the same badge their father Dwight earned 34 years ago).
Dwight said he was pleased to return to Philmont, near Cimarron, N.M., with his sons. They took a 10-day trek, which started easily with three- to four-mile hikes daily. The excursions increased to seven, and then about nine miles, until they hit a mountain called Baldy.
Dwight Kemp and his sons Parker and Preston (right) took part in a summer adventure at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. There, the brothers, both James Wood High School students, earned their Arrowhead badges — the same badge their father earned 34 years ago.
(Photo by Scott Mason)
The hike up the mountain was difficult, the boys said, with slippery shale slopes — every two steps forward assured one step back.
When they reached the top, the boys and their father played a celebratory game of Uno, a family favorite. “Uno was awesome,” Dwight said.
The Shenandoah Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America sends teams to Philmont every two years. This year, it sent four teams, said Sherry, the boys’ mother.
Scouts volunteer to participate, as do adults hoping to accompany them. However, the adults must be selected to go, Dwight said.
Their Philmont team included other fathers, but “I was the only father of two,” Dwight said.
But the adults aren’t in charge of the trek, he said. “It’s entirely a boy-run event.” The adults plan the trip and get everyone there, “but the boys run the show.”
It’s a tough time. After hiking six hours, taking no breaks before setting up camp and getting dinner ready, they stayed active until bedtime. Parker said the experience “helped my work ethic a lot.”
All the team members had assigned roles. Parker was the “medic” of the group and carried the duct tape used to cover injuries.
Preston was the assistant navigator and assistant cook. Some of the food wasn’t particularly appetizing, especially in the form of energy bars.
No one was particularly fond of one type of bar, which consequently became a snack for Mr. Sparkles, the boys said.
At the ranch, Preston Kemp (left), his father Dwight, and brother Parker took a 10-day trek, which started easily with three- to four-mile hikes daily. The excursions expanded to seven, and then about nine miles, until they hit a mountain called Baldy.
(Photo by Scott Mason)
With so much going on, procrastination was not an option at Philmont. Nor was much parental intervention.
The brothers, who were not partnered with each other on their team, mostly managed themselves, Dwight said.
He did witness a sibling fight between the boys, which upset him. But when the boys addressed the issues during the regular “Roses, Thorns, and Buds” sessions — where they discuss what they liked and didn’t enjoy during the day, and their hopes for the following day — they offered apologies, particularly Parker.
That was a landmark experience for Dwight, who said he saw his sons mature on the trip. Philmont “challenges the spirit of these kids.”
When the boys returned home, they were somewhat changed. Sherry said she was on the receiving end of many hugs upon the return of her sons, who were excited to tell her about their experiences. On the trip, “we had a lot of man hugs, too,” Dwight said.
For Dwight, the summer of 2009 will go down as a “dream come true,” and he noted how much he appreciates his co-workers for allowing him to take three weeks away from his medical practice (Bone & Joint Specialists of Winchester) to attend Philmont and its pre-trip activities with his sons.
Both of the boys know how much the trip meant to their father, who had long held the goal of taking his children on the trip that meant so much to him as a teen.
It was exciting, Parker said, knowing their father “did the exact same thing a long, long, time ago.”
Dwight said he might take the trip again one day with grandchildren. He and Sherry are the parents of four: Parker, Preston, Paige, and Patricia.
And while he and his boys have a shared Boy Scout experience and matching Arrowhead patches, Dwight’s sons hope to move forward to a point he didn’t seek — the rank of Eagle Scout.
Parker is one merit badge and a project away from being an Eagle, while Preston must earn two more merit badges and achieve a project to attain the rank.
The brothers are also becoming excited about next year’s National Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill. Dad will visit, but won’t stay on the site.
But it promises to be fun. “That’s the next adventure,” he said.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Scout is Brave...right?

Brave enough?  Maybe not...there is a G-rated version, too.

Haunted Woods at Camp Rock Enon coming up soon.  Details here.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself...except for the Haunted Woods of CRE...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Webelos Woods Registration Due Soon!

Webelos Woods is just around the corner.

Any first year Webelos Scout can attend.  Registration is due on Monday, 21 SEP.

Join us at Camp Rock Enon 03-04 OCT 2009 and get a great start to your Webelos Scout experience!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fall Camporee Update!

The registration paperwork and fees are due on 18 SEP (next Friday) for the Medieval Scouting Times Fall Camporee.

Don't wait and save a couple of dollars by getting your information in promptly.

Shenrapawa District Training--Cub Scout Leaders

Shenrapawa District
Cub Leader Specific Training
(Including Committee Members)
Thursday October 15, 2009, 7:00 – 9:00pm
Thursday, October 22, 2009, 7:00 – 9:00pm
(Both sessions are identical so you can choose one.)

Every Scout deserves a trained leader. If every leader took one day at a time out of their life to get trained, they would be more confident in their position and their Scouts would receive a better quality program.

The first step is “FAST START” training. This is a video you can watch on line through the council web site under training, or ask your unit leader, training chairman, or your unit commissioner to borrow a copy of the video.

“NEW LEADER ESSENTIALS” training has changed names and is now online.  The new name is “THIS IS SCOUTING”.  It takes about 45 minutes to complete and covers the Mission, Aims, and Methods of the Scouting Programs and the resources that are available to you. 

[Go to  If you already have a login you can go for it.  If not please create an account and get started.  You will need your registration number from you membership card.  This training is for all new leaders in Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Crews, and Unit/District Committee members.  You can also reach this link from our website.]

If you need other assistance to complete the training listed above please contact Dave Winsatt at 540-931-7090 or

Training Locations

October 15, 2009 – Strasburg United Methodist Church Church, 114 W. Washington Street
October 22, 2009 – Strasburg Christian Church, 165 High Street 

Please register at the scout office by October 8th to avoid the late fee.
Leader Name                                                          Best Phone                                          
Address                                                                           Unit Type                                
City                                           State          Zip                         No.                             
Current Position(s) in Scouting                                                                            

Leader Training         $2.00______
Late Fee (After 10/8) $3.00______
Total Amount Due           $ ______